Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking While Camping in My Car

Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking
The Appalachian Trail in North Carolina

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir

Introduction – Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking

On the precipice of a new year, many people are seeking to make profound changes in their lives. Some are even considering hiking the longest and most famous hiking footpath in the world – The Appalachian Trail! What better way to gain clearer vision than to take a hike in nature…no matter how far you go! Appalachian Trail sectional hiking while camping in my car, worked well for my nomadic lifestyle. It allowed added comfort, a sense of security, and flexibility in my journeys.

There’s something about the mountains that calls me home! Although I love hiking for the physical challenge, it is the mental and spiritual growth that draws me in. Throughout my life, I have traversed many alpine trails throughout the United States and in southern Europe.  One of the most challenging and inspiring treks I’ve ever completed is sectional hiking over 200 miles of the 2000-plus mile Appalachian Trail.

My partner and I set forth on our AT hiking adventures starting at the beginning of the Northbound Trail at Springer Mountain, Georgia working our way through North Carolina, Tennessee, and ending our trek after The Shenandoah National Park segment in Virginia. 

We spent three months hiking, camping, and exploring towns and natural wonders including a few side trips. I discovered so much about myself, life, and the ever-changing, bountiful landscapes surrounding me. I truly am grateful for having had this life-changing experience!

We sectional hiked the AT with two cars, so we dropped one car off at the ending trailhead of our daily hike and then drove back together and parked the other car at the beginning trailhead. After our hike, we drove back to pick the other car up. I think this style of hiking the AT is referred to as “bunny hopping” because of all the back-and-forth movement involved. It served us well because it fits into our lifestyle of being mobile. We didn’t have to carry big packs and spend the night on the trail but instead, enjoyed camping in our familiar comforts in nearby campgrounds. Also, it gave us the freedom to explore local towns and natural attractions.

My Trail Name: 

Band-Aid. Had a few cuts, scrapes, and blisters in the beginning and my partner thought this name was fitting for me. Sometimes, things just feel better when covered up!

My Favorite Hike:

Tellico Gap to NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center) Bryson City, NC. (8 Miles)

Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking
Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC)

I loved hiking in North Carolina! The scenery and trail conditions in The Tar Heel State is the best of all the Sections I hiked on the AT. This particular hike (Tellico Gap to NOC) had a great mix of everything. Starting with a difficult accent leading to a gorgeous ridge hike with panoramic views and meadows with blooming wildflowers. Then, ending with a difficult, steep, rocky descent and Gaps with electrifying greenery. The scenery resembled the backdrop of The Lord of the Rings movies. Another interesting aspect of this hike is that we were the only hikers on the trail that day. Very unusual! Of course, the anticipation of hiking into the NOC, North Carolina’s premier outdoor adventurists campus, added to the great energy of the hike!

My Most Challenging Hike:

NOC to Stecoah Gap (14 miles)

This hike brought me to tears!

Ironically, the hardest (actually life-changing) daily trek I experienced while sectional hiking the AT last year, came immediately following my favorite hike. Go figure!

I never experienced a more grueling physical feat in my life! What made it difficult was the deep elevation gains and losses throughout the entire Long trek. Near the latter part of the hike, with tears streaming down my face, I realized that something had to change within me. It was evident that I needed a mental makeover or I wasn’t going to make it! This was the turning point for me. From this moment onward, my mindset became positive, strong, and grateful for every moment of being on the trail regardless of the exterior conditions. This change in attitude and perceptions made a big difference, not only helping me to finish the hike that day but allowing for an overall happier and smoother experience on and off the trails.

My Favorite AT Town:

Franklin, North Carolina – charming small downtown with unique shops including a camping store catered to AT hikers, a great local bookstore, and plenty of eateries. We enjoyed having a beer with fellow hikers at the local hangout, The Lazy Hiker!

My Favorite AT Waterfalls:

Laurel Falls in Northeast Tennessee 

Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking
Laurel Falls – Tennessee

Of all the Waterfalls I witnessed while hiking The AT, the Laurel Falls located near Hampton, Tennessee, was my favorite! It was quite a steep descent to get to them on this sunny, springtime day…but well worth it! The water was crystal clear and felt refreshing on my oh-so-tired feet.👣

Overall Best Views on AT:

Shenandoah National Park

Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking
Shenandoah National Park

The Appalachian Trail runs through Shenandoah National Park located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, just west of Washington, D.C. I enjoyed hiking in Shenandoah because of the breathtaking views at the abundant lookout areas on (and off) the trail. The Trail itself was quite pleasant throughout the Park with plentiful dense greenery and foliage to keep summer temps cool while navigating through the manageable, scenic rolling landscapes.

Favorite Side Trip While Hiking The AT:

Driving the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina and Virginia

Blue Ridge Parkway Lookout
Blue Ridge Parkway Lookout
Blue Ridge Parkway
The Blue Ridge Mountains

The Blue Ridge Parkway – A Drive in Heaven

There is nothing quite like a drive on The Blue Ridge Parkway! We took a week off from hiking the AT and drove “America’s Favorite Drive,” stopping to admire the dazzling landscapes at the various lookouts and waterfalls along the route. 

Conclusion – Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking

I look forward to getting back on The Appalachian Trail again someday. Filling in the gaps I missed and continuing on northbound from where I left off in Virginia. We recently drove near the AT in Tennessee and all of the memories came flying back to me. My life was impacted by this sectional hike…Hence, I decided to gather up my trail notes and write about it. Better late than never!

Hiking The Appalachian Trail, soaking up all of Mother Nature’s love, is a personal experience and can be very rewarding. No matter if you’re a thru-hiker, a sectional hiker, or just out hiking for a few hours, this Trail has the power to transform lives.

For More Information about Hiking The Appalachian Trail: