Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking While Camping in My Car

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir Introduction – Appalachian Trail Sectional Hiking On the precipice of a new year, many people are seeking to make profound changes in their lives. Some are even considering hiking the longest and most famous hiking footpath in the world – …

Soccer Mom to Minimalist Nomad – Livin Simple in my 50s

  Are you Creating Your Life…or is Your Life Creating You? – Mel J From Soccer Mom to Minimalist Nomad in my 50s Several years ago I went through a tsunami of life challenges that lasted for many years. I went through a divorce (after 24 years of marriage), financial hardship, health issues, major hurricanes, …

5 Lessons Learned in Nomad Life: #5 Research

I have found that research and preparation are the most significant factors in a successful, long-term nomadic journey. Of course- after the first step of saying “Yes” to a new way of living! It would be great to live this style of life carefree and completely spontaneous, however, it’s just not realistic! Maybe for very short …

5 Lessons Learned in Nomad Life: #4 Environment

Before nomad life, I considered myself a fairly responsible steward of the environment. I recycled, used natural products, ate mostly plant-based foods, and tried my best to conserve energy in the household.  Living out in the wild sure has deepened my relationship with nature in a big way! Mostly, what I have learned about the …

5 Lessons Learned in Nomad Life: #3 Communication

I have learned that communication is an integral part of nomad travel, especially traveling with a partner. My boyfriend, Eben, and I share a common love for nature, hiking, learning and growing, meeting new people, exploring quaint towns, and having the freedom to go where our hearts desire! We are very compatible together, however, I …

5 Lessons Learned in Nomad Life: #2 Intuition

I believe quieting your mind goes hand-in-hand with hearing your intuition. Most of my life I have  received the clearest inner guidance when I was outside in nature, especially by a lake, ocean, river or stream. It was a knowingness that I felt in my heart and trusted without any doubt. Many times it lead …

5 Lessons Learned in Nomad life : #1 Awareness

Living in nature most of the time has increased my spiritual connectivity to God and the Oneness of everything and everyone in the Universe. Mother Nature opened my heart up to even more expansion than I ever thought possible, allowing my senses and awareness to skyrocket! 🚀 Now, this did not come easy to me, …