Introduction to Cintamani Stones
I first read about the Cintamani Stone several years ago and instinctively knew this Stone was special, unlike any other stone I had ever known. In fact, the Cintamani Stone is said to be the most powerful stone on Earth! Interestingly, they are only found one place on Earth – in the Arizona desert.
The origin of the enigmatic Cintamani Stones is surrounded by various beliefs. Some say they are tektites from a planet explosion in the Sirius Star System millions of years ago, while others refer to them as pseudotektites or obsidian originating from an ancient earth volcano, then tumbled by water. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, Cintamani means “wish-fulfilling” jewel. It is also known as “The Holy Grail” and is considered to be “The Philosopher’s Stone” in Western alchemy.
Despite differing beliefs, most agree that these sacred stones are very powerful and serve as strong amplifiers.
My fascination with esoteric wisdom guided me to learn about the mysterious Cintamani Stone which sparked a light within me that I could not ignore. I always found joy in finding interesting rocks throughout my life, whether near home or in my worldly travels; but the Cintamani Stone was different. Certainly, it found me.
Nomadic Living Leading to the Desert
In 2020, my partner and I started our new life on the road living as nomads traveling the backroads of America. We enjoy a simple, minimalist lifestyle while exploring natural landscapes and small towns in America. In November of 2021, we both decided the timing was right to make a stop in the Arizona desert to begin our search for the Stones that had been calling to me for years.
The Cintamani Stones (also referred to as Saffordites and Arizona Tektites) were said to be found in a 100-mile radius on the outskirts of the small town of Safford, Arizona. Fortunately, we found dispersed camping not far from our initial search area. Dispersed camping on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) means pretty much camping in the wild with no hookups, water, or other amenities. Usually, there are no other campers in sight, depending on where you camp. Each day, we set out from our campsite, covering many miles of rough desert landscape, returning in the evening exhilarated and worn out. It felt like something out of an Indiana Jones movie!
Finding Cintamani Stones
Our first visit to this area was short since we were on our way to the Midwest for a family engagement. Amazingly, it was hugely impactful! It was not easy spotting the Cintamani Stones set amongst the millions of other stones covering the ground, many closely resembling the sacred black stone. Sometimes, we went for hours without a find! Indeed, our adrenaline was pumping throughout our searches and in finding the precious, black stones in the middle of the desert! Once we found a few and knew exactly what to look for, it got a little easier spotting them…but still a rare find!
Ultimately, I acquired several Cintamani Stones (woo hoo!) and now had the opportunity to personally experience the energy of the mystical stones. I chose one that called to me. I held it often, meditated with it, and kept it on my body at all times. My first impression was that the Cintamani felt soothing in my hand and I welcomed forth its powerful, grounding, and peaceful energy. It felt good and I knew this magnificent Stone was meant to be with me!
My Personal Experience of The Magical Cintamani
After wearing the Cintamani Stone for several months, its powerful properties helped me to heal some fears and become more grounded. Heightened intuition, instant manifestations, lucid dreaming, and synchronicities increased considerably. I just knew this Stone was a gift from the Stars and had to be shared with others!
We returned to the Safford area in the early spring of 2022. This time my partner and I instinctively knew we were meant to find these magical Stones. It was our mission. It felt like the Cintamani’s were saying, “ hey come get me, I’m over here!” We found numerous Cintamani Stones throughout the endless miles of desert in various shapes, sizes and attributes – all treated like family, with the utmost love and respect!
The Tough Environment
Even though we both felt intuitively guided in our searches, the conditions were not always easy or comfortable. Sometimes our stamina would subside, especially after walking for hours in the intense sun. The desert is tough and can be dangerous!
Winds were wailing and fierce at times, blowing dust everywhere. We even had a dust devil move right over our campsite and vehicles! As a result, a dust bomb exploded on top of us! The weather fluctuated all of the time, thus, was something we constantly had to be cognizant of. Then, there’s the desert critters ~ Yes, snakes! My partner came within inches of a Mohave Green Rattlesnake, one of the world’s deadliest rattlesnakes. Thank God it did not strike! It was probably still sleepy from its winter slumber and decided to just give a warning rattle.
Subsequently, this was our sign that it was time to leave. Furthermore, temps were getting warmer and rattlesnakes would be coming out more often.
After two weeks of searching for Cintamani Stones throughout this broad region, we were thrilled with our newly found treasures! I now had more than enough “ Wish-fulfilling Stones” to share with others. We look forward to returning to the area in our Boondocking Beast* and finding more!
We returned to the Safford area in March 2024 to continue our search for Cintamanis. Despite some typical crazy Spring weather, our finds were a huge success! During our stay, we even found our largest Stone yet, weighing over 40 grams! Our daily searches in the desert landscape were meditative and exhilarating, confirming our intrinsic motivation for finding Cintamani Stones.
Lemon Drop, our boondocking beast travel trailer, kept us very comfortable during our entire two-week stay. Our solar-powered home on wheels is definitely built for the Arizona sunshine! ☀️
*Check out my Boondocking Beast
Purchase Cintamani Stones
✨✨✨To purchase Cintamani Stones we hand-picked in the desert, click the link to my Etsy Shop.✨✨✨